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ASBhive - A hub of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Activities

Managed by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (IEC) at the Asia School of Business, ASBhive stands as a cornerstone of Malaysia's entrepreneurial ecosystem, offering thought leadership, cutting-edge infrastructure, and comprehensive services to drive innovation locally and globally.

ASBhive Podcast Impact Series

Learning from Industry Leaders: Renowned experts, thought leaders, and successful practitioners. Learning from those who have made significant impacts in the industry can inspire, and guide towards achieving social impact goals


Co-Working Space

Join our vibrant coworking community! Enjoy cost-effective, flexible workspaces with networking opportunities, amenities, and a supportive environment for enhanced productivity and work-life balance. Your ideal workspace awaits!

Learn More

Discover a place where innovation meets inspiration, and where every event is an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect. Welcome to the ASBhive, where ideas take flight and dreams find their wings. Immerse yourself on a captivating virtual tour of our space.


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